Financial Behavior Savings

Personal Financial Waste Management

Rupee Saved- is a Rupee Earned. Modern management places lot of emphasis on waste management to improve cost effectiveness and profitability. There is a huge scope of applying similar philosophy in personal financial management as well. Overtime we get used to the routine expenses in our life and till such time we can afford them, […]

Financial Behavior Savings

Understand Your Financial Clock and Wealth Cycle

Health and Wealth have a lot of things in common. To reap benefits from any of these you must take care of them. Our body has a biological clock which generally repeats every 24 hours. We also have different life stages from our birth till end.  Similarly, we have a financial clock which keeps repeating, […]

Financial Behavior Savings

Pay Yourself First – Save Before You Spend !

A farmer sows seeds and nourishes the fields over time to ensure that the seed grows into the desired crop. After harvest he sets aside some of the grains seed purposes, and uses/sells the balance. If he does not retain some grain as seeds, he would have to buy from the market to sow in […]

Investment Savings

Which Money Should be Deployed Where ?

We all need money to take care of our current and future requirements. At times the propellant is our sole desire to earn/grow a lot of money losing focus on what for do we need it at the first place. This causes us to risk the money which we probably required for some non-negotiable urgent […]


Why Mutual Funds are better than Savings/Deposits !!

All readers would be very familiar with the term Mutual Funds, and most of us have also invested our savings in various Mutual Fund Schemes. During interaction with many of my friends I got a feeling that most of them had a very vague understanding of how Mutual Funds work. Understanding Mutual Funds is important […]