One question that keeps returning to the mind very often is- “How am I doing on my Financial Front ?”. We then total up all that we have in the form of cash balance, investments, property etc. and try to derive a sense of comfort. But mostly there remains a lingering doubt as to whether or […]
Category: Credit
Buying a house is a major decision which most of us take at some or the other time in life. We have discussed various issues pertaining to owning real property in “Buying Real Estate- Will it be your asset or liability”. After factoring all aspects, if one wants to go in for a house, then […]
Retirement is a very certain, distinct and significant phase of life. Sooner or later, we all need to retire. Despite the clear and present certainty of retirement, most of us relegate Retirement Planning to passive management. We do this assuming that there is not much to plan for retirement. We must not forget that retirement […]
Inflation is a very commonly heard word and assumed to be understood well. However, not everyone factors that understanding into financial decision making, thereby overestimating returns or under estimating objectives. We further compound the effect of inflation when we fail to calibrate our lifestyle according to our affordability. What is Monetary Inflation? In simple words […]
We all have heard from our elders and been taught in our formative years that we shall live within our means. That remains the guiding mantra, and in no way do I intend to motivate anyone to take credit. But even while living within our means, we can make safe and smart use of Credit […]